
“Every photographic image presents two messages:
one related to the photographic event and the other related to an abrupt blow of discontinuity.
Between the recorded moment and the actual moment we are looking at there is an abyss;
the traumatic discontinuity generated by absence or death”

From an essay on “La Chambre Claire” by Roland Barthes


20 short-films about death and photography directed by Martino Chiti.

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Third single from Appaloosa record “The worst of saturday night”
video footage taken from Martino Chiti’s “muertes”, 20 shortfilms about death and photography.

Every short-film shows a person caught in the act of photographing a scene based on a personal vision, at the same time the photos taken by the individual appear on one side of the screen. A parallelism between different dimensions, a slow stream of facts. Then, all of a sudden, a black figure appears and kills the photographers. An allegory of death, profoundly linked to the concept of photography.   “Muertes” shows 20 short-films included in an audio-visual installation with video, photo and sculptural elements. The screen is split in two: On the right side the video shows the photographers taking pictures in different locations/atmospheres. On the left side the pictures that have just been taken can be seen, synchronized with the film’s content. The installation is also composed of a life-size sculpture of the man in black/black figure and of a second screen that shows the whole exhibition room, the viewer becomes part of the exhibition, sharing the space with the real size murderer figure.  


Duration: 117min 

2 channels video.

Formats: Digital video, HD digital video, analogic super8 colour film, digital photography, analogic photography 35mm b/w film, colour negative, colour and b/w slides, analogic photography 6×6 b/w.

Exhibition elements: Video, installation, expanded polyurethane and fiberglass sculpture.

Shot and produced in Italy, Spain, Mexico, Cuba, Japan, Norway, India and United States between 2004 and 2015.

Vincenzo Mancuso, Edvard Tideman, Maria Luisa Carretto, Luca Guerri, Manuela Ricciardi, Fabrizio Del Moro, Maria Radicchi, Matteo Zanobini, Michael Rotondi, Emmanuele Giaccherini, Mario Bermeo Torres, Ana Matey Marañon, Guillermo Ruìz Mantilla, Jose Mogrol, David Oliver Scarpa, Alain Gutierrez Almeida, Elena Baca Suquet, Leslie Hicks, Davide Giuliani, Gian Luca Rossetti, Tenzin Lhawang, Waswo X. Waswo, Linda Lombardo, Martino Chiti.

Appaloosa, Urtropode

Sound supervisor:
Andrea Pachetti

Marco Zaninello, Guillermo Ruìz Mantilla, Andrea D’Amore, Ganpat Mali, Linda Lombardo.

Inspired by “La chambre claire” of Roland Barthes.

Directed by Martino Chiti

Dedicated to my father.

© 2012

Watch the trailer:
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Muertes Making off [youtube id=”s4Q-wvHHXMo” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no” aspect_ratio=”16:9″ maxwidth=”960″ grow=”yes”]